Alongside standard and extended warranties, we offer storage inspection services and rack safety awareness courses to keep your storage system in top condition. We also offer maintenance agreements providing cost-effective service programmes.
No matter how carefully you use your storage scheme, damage will occur from time to time, which can result in serious consequences, including injury to staff, if left undetected. We have a skilled team of safety engineers who are on hand to provide SEMA approved pallet racking inspections to determine the safety and structural integrity of your pallet racking systems.
As pallet racking suppliers we are perfectly positioned to report on the status of your installation, regardless of the original supplier.
We provide you with a full report detailing any damage and grade it using a simple red, amber, green system to signify severity. We will also offer a quotation for repairing any outstanding damage and outline ways to avoid similar issues occurring in the future, including introducing you to our range of Pallet Racking Accessories and Protection products, such as barriers, upright protectors, rails, signage and floor markings.